- # -

#1#= user-defined replaceable token

- $ -

$C= starting column in data record

$S= starting column in label

- & -

&END end of control variables (required)

&INST start of control variables (ignored)

- ; -

; starts a comment

- @ -

@Fieldname = name for location in person or item label

- ~ -

~ File: Bond4.xls

~ File: Exam1.txt

~ File: Exam10a.txt

~ File: Exam11.txt

~ File: Exam12hi.txt

~ File: Exam13.txt

~ File: Exam14.txt

~ File: Exam15.txt

~ File: Exam16.txt

~ File: Exam17r.txt

~ File: Exam18.txt

~ File: Exam2.txt

~ File: Exam3.txt

~ File: Exam4.txt

~ File: Exam5.txt

~ File: Exam6.txt

~ File: Exam7.txt

~ File: Exam8.txt

~ File: Exam9.txt

~ File: Example0.txt

~ File: Examsubs.txt

~ File: kct.txt

~ File: labels.txt

~ File: sf.txt

~ File: template.txt

~ File: winbatchbat.bat

- A -

AGREEFILE= paired-person agreement counts

AGREEGROUP= compare with other groups in Table 35 = Yes

ALPHANUM= alphabetic numbering

ANCESTIM= alternative method for anchored analyses

ASCII characters = Yes

ASYMPTOTE= item upper and lower asymptotes = No

- B -

BATCH= Running in batch mode = No

BOXSHOW= draw boxes around Output Tables = Yes

BYITEM= display graphs for items = Yes

- C -

CATREF= reference category for Table 2 = (item measure)

CFILE= scored category label file

CHART= output graphical plots in Tables 10 & 13-15 = Yes


CLFILE= codes label file

CMATRIX= category matrix = Yes

CMLE= Conditional Maximum Likelihood Estimation = No

CODERANGE = numerical range of data codes

CODES= valid data codes

CONVERGE= select convergence criteria = Either

CSV= comma-separated values in output files = No

CURVES= curves for Tables 2 & 21 = 111 all

CUTHI= cut off responses with high probability of success = 0 no

CUTLO= cut off responses with low probability of success = 0 no

- D -

DATA= name of data file = (data at end of control file)

DATESHOW= show date in Table headings = Yes

DELIMITER= data field delimiters = " " fixed fields

DIF= columns within person label for Table 30 = $S1W1

DISCRIMINATION= report item discrimination = No

DISFILE= category/distractor/option count file

DISOPTION= distractor file option

DISTRT= output option counts in Tables 10 & 13-15 = Yes

DPF= columns within item label for Table 31 = $S1W1

- E -

EDFILE= edit data file

EFILE= expected scores on items

END LABELS end of control variables

END NAMES end of control variables

EQFILE= code equivalences

ESTMULT= estimate change multiplier = 0.7

ETYPE= option for EFILE=

EXCAT= extreme category adjustment = 0

EXCELDECIMAL= decimal separator for Excel spreadsheets

EXCELNUMBER= Excel converts numeric labels into numbers = No

Excelplot32= controls Winsteps-Excel interface

EXTRSC= extreme score correction for extreme measures = 0.3

- F -

FITHIGH= higher bar in charts = 0 none

FITI= item misfit criterion = 2.0

FITLOW= lower bar in charts = 0 none

FITP= person misfit criterion = 2.0

FORMAT= reformat data

FORMFEED= the form feed character = ^ MS-DOS standard

FRANGE= half-range of fit statistics on plots = 0 auto-size

FREQ= heading in Tables 1, 12, 16 = <freq>

FSHOW= show files created from control file = No

- G -

G0ZONE= One-to-zero zone = 50 %

G1ZONE = Zero-to-one zone = 50 %

GRFILE= probability curve coordinate output file

GROUPS= assigns items to groups = " " all in one grouping

GROUPS= or ISGROUPS= assigns items to rating scale groupings

GRPFROM= location of GROUPS= = No before &END

GUFILE= Guttmanized response file

- H -

HEADER= display or suppress subtable headings = Yes

HIADJ= correction for top rating scale categories = 0.25

HLINES= heading lines in output files = Yes

- I -

IAFILE= item anchor file

IANCHQU= anchor items interactively = No

ICOLORFILE= colors for item labels in PKMAPs

ICORFILE= item residual correlation file

IDELETE= item one-line item deletion

IDELQU= delete items interactively = No

IDFILE= item deletion file

IDROPEXTREME= drop items with extreme scores = No

IFILE= item output file

ILFILE= item label file = (after &END)

IMAP= item label on item maps Tables 1 & 12 = (whole label)

INUMB= label items by sequence numbers = No

IOFSFIELDS= field selection for IFILE=

IPEXTREME= placement of extreme scores on maps = Yes

IPMATRIX= response-level matrix (from Output Files menu only)

IPRFILE= change codes for blocks of persons and items

IREFER= identifying items for recoding (with IVALUE=)

ISELECT= item selection criterion = * all items

ISFILE= item structure output file

ISGROUPS= assigns items to groups = " " all in one grouping

ISORT= column within item label for alphabetical sort in Table 15 = 1

ISRANGE= category range of an item group

ISUBTOTAL= columns within item label for subtotals in Table 27

ITEM= title for item labels = ITEM

ITEM1= column number of first response = (required)

ITLEN= maximum length of item label = 30

IVALUEx= recoding of data (with IREFER=)

IWEIGHT= item (variable) weighting

- K -

KEYFORM= skeleton for Excel keyform

KEYFROM= location of KEYn= = 0 before &END

KEYn= scoring key

KEYSCR= reassign scoring keys = 123..

- L -

LCONV= logit change at convergence = .001 logits

LESS= heading in Tables 1, 12, 16 = <less>

LINELENGTH= length of printed lines in Tables 7 & 10-16 & 22 = 80

LOCAL= locally restandardize fit statistics = No

LOGFILE= accumulates control files

LOGLIKE= log-likelihood of response string

LOWADJ= correction for bottom rating scale categories = 0.25

- M -

MAKEKEY= construct MCQ key = No

MATRIX= correlation ooutput file layout = No

MAXPAGE= the maximum number of lines per page = 0 no limit

MBOTTOM= lowest measure in Table 1 etc.

MCMLE= maximum number of CMLE iterations = 0, no limit

MFORMS= reformat input data and multiple data forms

MHSLICE= Mantel-Haenszel slice width = .1

MHZERO= adjustment to zero cells = 0

MISSCORE= scoring of missing data codes = -1(ignore)

MJMLE= maximum number of JMLE (UCON) iterations = 0 no limit

MNSQ= show mean-square instead of t-standardized fit statistics = Yes

MODELS= assigns model types to items = R dichotomy or rating scale or partial credit

MODFROM= location of MODELS= = N before &END

MORE= heading in Tables 1, 12, 16 = <more>

MPROX= maximum number of PROX iterations = 10

MRANGE= half-range of measures on plots = 0 auto-size

MTICK= measure distance between tick marks on plots = 0, auto-size

MTOP= highest measure in Table 1 etc.

MUCON= maximum number of JMLE (UCON) iterations = 0 no limit

MUCON= or MJMLE= maximum number of JMLE iterations

MUNITS= measurement units per line in Table 1 etc.

- N -

NAME1= first column of person label = 1

NAMLEN= length of person label = (calculated)

NAMLMP= name length on map for Tables 1 & 12 & 16 = (calculated)

NEWSCORE= recoding values (with RESCORE=)

NI= number of items (required)

NOMEASURE= measure value for deleted and inestimable = 9999

NORMAL= normal distribution for standardizing fit = No chi-square

- O -

OFILE= report output file

OSORT= category/option/distractor sort = S score value order

OUTFIT= sort misfits on greater of infit or outfit = Yes

- P -

PAFILE= person anchor file

PAIRED= correction for paired comparison data = No

PANCHQU= anchor persons interactively = No

PCORFIL= person residual correlation file

PDELETE= person one-line item deletion

PDELQU= delete persons interactively = No

PDFILE= person deletion file

PDROPEXTREME= drop persons with extreme scores = No

PERSON= title for person labels = PERSON

PFILE= person output file

PKMAP= customize Table 36 diagnostic maps

PLFILE= person label file

PMAP= person label on person map: Tables 1 & 16 = (whole name)

POFSFIELDS= field selection for PFILE=

PRCOMP= residual type for Tables 23-24 = S standardized

PSELECT= person selection criterion = * all persons

PSORT= column within person label for alphabetical sort in Table 19 = 1

PSUBTOTAL= columns within person label for subtotals in Table 28

PTBIS= point-biserial-type correlation coefficient = No

PVALUE= proportion correct or average rating = No

PWEIGHT= person (case) weighting

- Q -

QCMLE = Quasi-CMLE estimates = No

QUOTED= quote marks around labels = Yes

- R -

RARE= heading in Tables 1, 12, 16 = <rare>

RCONV= score residual at convergence = 0.1

REALSE= inflate S.E. of measures for misfit = No

RESCORE= response recoding (with NEWSCORE= or KEYn=)

RESFROM= location of RESCORE= No (before &END)

RFILE= scored response file

RMSR= report root-mean-square residual = No

ROW1HEADING= heading in first row of output file

- S -

SAFILE= item structure anchor file

SAITEM= item numbers in SFILE= and SAFILE= (with one ISGROUPS=) = No

SANCHQ= anchor structures interactively = No

SCOREFILE= person score file

SCREEN= screen log file (command line only)

SDELQU= delete structure interactively = No

SDFILE= item structure deletion file

SEPARATOR= data field delimiters

SEPARATOR= data field delimiters = " " fixed fields

SFILE= structure output file

SFUNCTION= function to model Andrich thresholds with polynomials

SICOMPLETE= simulate complete data = Yes

SIEXTREME= simulate extreme scores = Yes

SIFILE= simulated data file

SIMEASURE= measure or data = Yes

SINUMBER= number of simulated data files = 1

SIRESAMPLE= number of persons resampled

SISEED= simulated data seed = 0 (clock)

SPFILE= supplementary control file

STBIAS= correct for JMLE statistical estimation bias = No

STEPT3= include structure summary in Table 3 (instead of Table 21) = Yes

STKEEP= keep non-observed intermediate categories in structure = Yes

SUBSETS= perform subset detection = Yes

SVDEPOCHS= maximum epochs for SVD estimation

SVDFACTORS= singular-value decomposition factors

SVDFILE= singular-values decomposition file

SVDMIN= singular-value decomposition minimum improvement

SVDTYPE= singular-value decomposition residual type = R

- T -

T1CAT= show category number in Table 1, 12 = (default)

T1I#= number of items summarized by "#" symbol in Table 1 = (auto-size)

T1MWE= mean and S.D. with extreme measures in Tables 1, 12, 16 = Yes

T1P#= number of persons summarized by "#" symbol in Table 1 = (auto-size)

T1SCORE= show raw score in Tables 1,12,16 = No

T1WEIGHT= show by weight in Table 1 = Yes

T2SELECT= selects Table 2 subtables

T45OPTIONS= options for Table 45

T7OPTIONS = selects Table 7.1and 11.1  detail lines = OZ

TABLES= output tables

TARGET= estimate using information-weighting = No

TCCFILE= Test Characteristic Curve and Test Information Function

TCCHIGH= highest value of TCC

TCCINCR= increment on TCC measurement scale

TCCLOW= lowest value of TCC

TFILE= list of Tables to be output

TITLE= title for output listing = (control file name)

TOTALSCORE= show total scores with extreme observations = No

TRPOFILE= the transposed control and data file

TRPOTYPE= controls the format of the transposed file

- U -

UAMOVE= move all anchor values a pre-set amount

UANCHOR= anchor values supplied in user-scaled units = Yes

UASCALE= the anchor scale value of 1 logit = 1

UCOUNT = number of unexpected responses: Tables 6 & 10 = 50

UDECIMALS= number of decimal places reported = 2

UEXTREME= include extreme scores for UIMEAN= or UPMEAN= = No

UIMEAN= the mean or center of the item difficulties = 0

UMEAN= the mean or center of the item difficulties = 0

UMEAN=or UIMEAN= the mean or center of the item difficulties

UPMEAN = the mean or center of the person abilities = (computed)

USCALE= the user-scaled value of 1 logit = 1

UTF8ENC= encoding = "?"

UTF8SUB= substitute character for multibyte UTF-8 = "."

- W -

W300= Output files in Winsteps 3.00 format = No

WEBFONT = web-page fonts

WHEXACT= Wilson-Hilferty exact normalization = Yes

WMLE = Warm's Mean Likelihood Estimation = No

- X -

XFILE= analyzed response file

XWIDE= columns per response = 1